4Existence Info

The powerful worlds of psychology, philosophy, and spirituality can have tremendous value, but are loaded with confusing, conflicting, and often misleading information.

Endless self-help hopping between books, blogs, articles, podcasts, apps, videos, teachers and practices can be quite overwhelming for anyone that sincerely wants to improve their inner and outer worlds. They can leave you exhausted, discouraged, and questioning whether or not you’re just spinning your wheels.

The good news is that there is a common denominator to it all that can make your path much clearer, more discerning, and simplified whether you don’t know where to start, or whether you’re well down the path to inner peace and reaching your full potential.

All content communicated by 4Existence revolves around this common denominator, constantly pointing you to it from whatever perspective you need to see it. 

4Existence is a guide to simplify the many concepts, methods, and practices that you’re learning from other guides – A layman’s “how to” that simplifies, modernizes, and makes practical the vast worlds of psychology, philosophy, and spirituality to help you find your most efficient path to lasting inner peace and boundless potential. 

What is this common denominator that can simplify your path to inner peace and boundless potential? Start here.


The primary aim of 4Existence is to help all individuals who are open to personal development and self-realization simplify their path to inner peace and boundless potential. Led by this primary aim, the secondary aim is to help foster a world community that is grounded in love and peace, yet empowered with purpose and potential, so that optimal decisions can be made and actions taken toward ensuring the survival and thriving of humanity.


For more than 30 years I have been on a journey of self-driven introspection, meditation, and philosophical exploration, which has led to a consistent experience of deep peace along with a powerful blossoming of creative and productive energy. This journey, filled with both extreme challenge and beauty, led me to a clear realization that would have made its unfolding much more efficient had it been realized earlier.

As an intimately connected aspect of this journey, my life has also been filled with many creative projects in art, writing, and entrepreneurship.

4Existence is my way of combining these experiences and skills to reach as many people as possible with a simple message about how to simplify their paths to self-realization. I hope that this message may be helpful to them and toward humanity’s continued existence.


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